"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' ~Matt 25:30
A Story From My Heart, That only GOD could have orchestrated...
As I stood in a tiny little medical room so neatly organized, I listened to Emily the Nurse & Berhanu a young man that onced lived on the trash dump discuss the needs of two young boys they had just brought off the dump, my heart was broken. As Emily cleaned wounds on one boys leg, found them clean clothes and then took them both to shower and to eat fresh cooked food I was overwhelmed with the needs of not only these two fatherless boys, but to the thousands just like them. And then... I glanced out the door to see a mother and her sweet baby waiting patiently to see Nurse Emily and My. Heart. Stopped. What I saw looking back at me was a very weak but very sweet little one with Down Syndrome looking at me with the most amazing big brown eyes! Be. Still. My. Heart! His name is Abraham and his mama loves him with all her heart. After she was given a new pair of shoes & some 500 calorie packs to add to Abraham's diet we decided to walk with her to her home to carry a sack of food for her and her family that was Provided for by Hope for Korah. Sydnie & I both went with her along with a translator and followed her through the dirt paths and then through another familes hut & into her tiny hut. She shares these little home with her 14 yr old, 12 yr old & Abraham her 2 yr old. As we sat on the only bed in her little 8x8 hut we would soon find out that she was also a widow. Her husband taken to be with Jesus because of a treatable disease, Leprosy. I was finally able to hold Abraham just long enough to assess him because he was so afraid of me. That's when I was able to share with her through a translator that God had given her a perfect child. I was able to encourage her and teach her things to help her little man. She was thrilled to know that because he could bear weight on his legs that he could someday walk. We then found out that she needed help to keep her two older children in school. It cost a mere $5 a year to attend the local school plus books and supplies. She was also just 1 day away from having to move out of her home because she had no money to pay the rent which was 200 brr(about $12/month) I immediately offered to pay for two months rent & Sydnie offered to pay the third month. This would give Hope For Korah time to get her set up so that our family could sponsor her family. She was overwhelmed and hugged me like I have never been hugged before. She will soon be working with the Mission Ethiopia program where she will be empowered by learning a trade that will help her provide for her family. But in the mean time we are her Family Sponsor & we are BLESSED to be able to help her and her children. For me, I know that this was orchestrated by the Father to the fatherless. My heart is forever changed because of what I have seen, what I have felt, and what I know God wants from me. God, break my heart for what breaks Yours. Move me to ACTION daily, and help me to love You more for who You are.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world
~James 1:27
OMW! I am a sobbing mess reading this post! God is SO good and definitely orchestrated that meeting. Wow. How blessed are you? :)