The past few weeks have been quite a roller coaster:) You know one of those that when you get off of the ride your whoopin' & hollerin' cause it was so FUN, and then minutes later your lookin' for the bushes cause your about to loose your cookies! LOL God has blessed us with amazing friends & family who have prayed for our family, supported our family emotionally, financially & sometimes psychologically(you know who you are) After 5+ years of renting a small duplex, God has provided the perfect house for us!!! In a few weeks we will be moving from our little 1100sq ft duplex into our 3600sq ft house where will have more room:) In Texas that gets a YAHOO!!! Sid's job has continued to grow and every day he's out the door on a mission & comes back through the door excited about what God is doing in his workplace. Nothing better than a hubby that loves the challenge of his job:) The kids are all doing great and anxiously awaiting Summer!!! Lacey has a new job at a boutique called
Posh Pony. She loves it and is such a hard worker. She is getting ready for summer track. Sydnie is still flippin' her heart out at Gymnastics & just found out that she will be attending IGC Camp in PA in July with her team. Baylie is still kickin' it in Club Soccer, having a great season and is a fierce defense player. Jonathan is in the middle of Baseball season. He has a mean swing & is really getting to be a great pitcher:) Tate is gearing up to run summer track & flip with da boys at gymnastics. Emerson is finishing up her Kindergarten year, loves school and can't wait to start gymnastics. Kenlie is graduating from the 3 year old class & moving on to Pre-K next year. She also is looking forward to summer gymnastics. Charlie & Levi are still LOVIN' school, working hard at PT, and learning more everyday. Our children are so blessed & we are blessed to be entrusted with each of them. We continue to advocate for the orphan by spreading the word, helping to find families for them, raising funds & praying for the ministries and the people who work so hard to ransom these orphans. On May 7th we will be having our homestudy updated and will be waiting on God to show us the child he has for our family. Please pray that it goes smoothly since we will be in the middle of moving. Ha! God's timing not ours, right? We look forward to what God is doing in our lives & wake each day ready to join Him where he is already working.
**So I have finally realized that there will no longer be "Perfect" pictures with 9 kids in a picture.(whatever that mean) So for those of you that know my kids, you will see their personalities just poppin of the page. Ha!

"The BOYS"

"The Girls"

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. ~Psalm 127:3-5
Beautiful are so blessed! And, Charlie looks amazing!!! I sure wish we could get Bella & Charlie together. You aren't by San Antonio, are you? We are going there this June to visit my sister. Here's hoping!