Our long weekend Mission Trip to Galveston, Tx was Amazing. We worked our little bootys off & enjoyed every minute of it! We did everything from pulling up trees, cleaning out flowerbeds, & moving belongings into storage to laying insulation & putting up ceiling tiles at the church. It was a blessing to us to be able to help even in just a small way. We were amazed at how much the poeple of Galveston still are in such need. After 6 months I think a lot of people have moved on & just do not realize how long a road the community still has ahead of them. Please pray for the families of Seaside Baptist Church and the entire community. Pray that God will provide ALL their needs and then some. Pray for the Easter Sunrise service on the beach, that the weather and the attendance will be just as God sees fit. And especially pray for the pastor and his family that they will soon be back in there own home & making a fresh start! We thank God for allowing us the opportunity, and we thank all of those that helped out with our children while we were gone (Johnnie,, Molly, Nicole & Alicia) We are thankful for all of you!!!

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