And Lovin every minuite of it!!! Seriously, I'm not really sure what my life would be like without the 9 kids that God has blessed us with so far. Never a dull moment. Days filled with joy, frustration, laughter, irritation, love and
impatience:) Every day I drop off, pick up, deliver, clean, change, wipe, instruct, correct, laugh
at with the little people that live in our house. The past weeks have been filled with the normal school activities, baseball, soccer, dance, gymnastics, bible studies, PT, OT, & speech... Somewhere instating the ONE activity per kid rule seemed logical, but unless I were to morph into TWO people at some point that will become impossible. Ha! I absolute hate missing ANYTHING!!! But I have resolved to the fact that with 5 of the 9 doing some kind of activity, I will go in one direction and the hubs will go the other and at some point we WILL see each other again:) JK... The good news is summer is around the corner & I am one of those weird moms that loves my kids home in the summer & wishes it could last longer, but i realize they DO need an education:) lol
God continues to bless us abundantly and we remain overwhelmed by his love for us!
Our two newest family members:)
We were not only blessed with a new dependable van, but with a new friendship with the Patterson family. Can't wait to get our 20 kids together!! LOL
Tobias Sheppard Harper
Tobias means the Lord is good. Toby will be training to be a service dog for Charlie & Levi. Our prayer is that he will love the boys and assist in minimizing wandering and keeping the boys out of trouble ;) He is already learning to sit, lay & stay along with walking with boys to and from the bus. He's a little clueless at 8 weeks old but Oh so cute!!
And of course some quick pics from the last few weeks:)
New braces & new glasses!! |
Baylie & Landri - 2nd place!!! |
Father with his GREAT Grandchildren!! |
Prom!!! Beautiful girls:) |
Spring Choir Concert! |
Jojo - Ready to get a Hit! |
Sydnie = Pretzel girl |
Charlie & Levi @ the ZOO |
Emerson - Future Model:) |
Levi - Ready for the West Texas Beach!!! |
Pony Parade |
Hayden with Pop after 14hr surgery
Thank You God for making this possible:) |
The Boys!! |
Alex - My nephew visiting from Saudi. LOVE! |
Sydnie's Bottle fed cottontail |
Kenlie & Michal - Cutie Patootie's |
Peace Dude! |
Man!! I Luv my new cousin!! |
OUR 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 yr olds |
One of 30 pics on my phone! Never leave your phone unattended at my casa |
Parade of Parks! Fun:) |
The verse I have prayed over my children the past 2 months. Love, Love, Love it!
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way." ~Col 1:9-12
Yay for a new van! And from the Pattersons! So cool! Love all the pics, especially Levi with flippers on. Ha Ha