If you had told me 10yrs ago I would have 9 kiddos in my home, I would have laughed and thought that is insanity!!! LOL But somewhere along the road I have been consistently walking with the One. I slowly began staying beside Him, walking with him, sometimes even following behind him a bit, always striving to not be led astray. Yes, there were times when I wandered away looking for something for myself, something to fill what I really just need Him to fill; but every day I am drawn closer to the One who created me, the One who gets me through every day, the One who gave me a heart for the hurting, for the oppressed, for the orphan. So.......until the day that I take my last breath and join my Father who loves & cares for me; I will pray, advocate, adopt, donate and whatever else God shows me to help those who cannot help themselves. Because when God speaks & you TRUST Him, your life is forever changed!
The faces that I think of when I should be sleeping, so instead I pray for them and their family that I know is out there SOMEWHERE...
Is one of these sweet faces your child?

"There is no merit in thinking about doing something. The result is exactly the same as not thinking about it. It is only doing the thing that counts."
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