2010 153 of God's children were brought home to be with their "Forever Families" through Reece's Rainbow adoption ministry.
153!!!!! That is up from
76 children in
2009. Amazing!
Look Here to see how many children were saved
ONE child at a time because of their families hearts being willing to step out in faith and know that God would provide everything they needed to bring that child home. It's not about having clarity, it's about having faith. We can't save the world, but we can save the world for
ONE child. Is
2011 the year that you will step out in faith and make a difference in the life of a child? We are not all called to adopt, but we are ALL called to ACTION! Please consider making a donation, advocating for a specific child or becoming a prayer warrior for one of
these children.

After Court Sept 12th, 2010

TWO Worlds Changed FOREVER
Only God knew that these TWO would change ALL of our lives FOREVER too!
"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
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