Over the past few days I have been spending time specifically in prayer over my unexplained emotions. For the past few weeks I have found myself grouchy, grumpy, tearful, & with little patience for others. Even though my heart is full of joy and happiness, and I feel blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined, I have still felt emotionally crummy. So for several days I have been seeking God, pleading for him to reveal my weakness, asking for him to fill the void I have been feeling, and to just pull me out of the funk I am in. It's amazing what God can reveal to you when you simply ASK! So, while spending sweet time with my El-Elyon (Lord Most High) he spoke into my heart. What I didn't realize was that I was actually grieving. Thrilled for the new journey he has taken our family on, but grieving over the ones that (I) left behind:( You see, once you have spent weeks visiting an orphanage and seeing so many little ones desperate to call you Mama, your heart can NEVER be the same. Yes, I know that (I) can not save them ALL. It's about saving the world of that ONE orphan. But when those little ones longingly look into your eyes, reach for you to pick them up and then snuggle into your arms like it's the first time they've been held, (for some it is the first time) you heart aches and you start thinking about how quickly you can come back to get them. People ask all the time, "how did you find the boys?" The chain of events that lead us to our boys is long and sweet, but the reality is God lead me to Charlie & then used His other children to speak to both of our hearts, and we knew that God meant for these two orphans to be OURS! God Rocked our world in a totally radical way & we are forever grateful. BUT... what about Anton & Sergey & Pasha & Ivan &, &, &... and the other's that I couldn't bring home with me. My heart grieves to think that those little ones will soon be moved to an institution where they will live out their short little lives, all because (I) couldn't bring them home:( See, that's where your heart dwells when you leave them behind, that's why so many of us grieve after adoption, and that's why so many of us advocate, post pictures, and beg & plead for other families to bring these children HOME! No more, "We would love to adopt", or "I have always wanted to adopt", "It's just not a good time", etc, etc. Just DO IT! And if your circumstances will not allow you to adopt you can make a HUGE difference by advocating, donating and praying for God's children to all have a loving family. What's keeping you from stepping out in faith?
“I do not have clarity, what I have is trust. I will pray that you can learn to trust God every day. He will show you what to do each step of the way.” ~Mother Teresa
Today I am humbled that God has given me every emotion I have felt over the past year. And grateful that he has brought me to this point where I can continue to make a difference in the lives of orphans. Thank you God for choosing to adopt ME:)
"He hears the cries of the orphan." ~Exodus 22:22-24
"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." ~James 1:27
"He blesses those who provide for the orphan." ~Deut 14:29
"For when I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." ~Matt 25:35-36
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Medical Updates
Here is the lastest Medical Update on the boys.
- Saw Opthalmologist yesterday. His right eye is a bit farsighted & is doing all the work. His left eye is at least 20/200. Which means he sees nada. So he was fitted for glasses that should help that eye start to correct. We go back in 2 months & then will likely start patching the good eye, followed by surgery at some point. By the way he looks so stinkin' cute in those glasses (pictures as soon as we pick them up)
- He will see cardiologist again in March to recheck AV canal & regurgitation in both valves & determine if they will or will not do surgery
- See's Audiologist in Feb. to check hearing now that his tubes are in
- Saw Dentist this week. He said his gums were healing well & we will go back in 3 months
- Appt. with Urologist in Feb. to check out his urinary issues
- Evals for PT, OT, & Speech coming up(this is in addition to what he receives at school)
- Saw Opthalmologist. He said that he can only see 2-5 feet in front of him & that only surgery will correct it. Glasses will not help. Hmmm...Getting a 2nd opinion on that one
- Cardiologist confirmed ASD is closed and only saw an enlarged aorta. Will go back in Dec.
- Appt. Jan 26th with Urologist. He will be scheduled for surgery to repair urinary reflux & to bring the testicle down were it belongs:)
- He will see ENT in Feb to talk about removal of tonsil, adenoids, and tubes. Followed by the audiologist to check the hearing. Pedi believes he does not hear well from right ear
- Labs have been done to check for Diabetes Insipidus because of his weight loss, excessive drinking, excessive urination
- C-spine xray was GOOD
- Evals for PT, OT & Speech coming up(this is in addition to what his school offers)
By the way we absoulutely LOVE their school, their teachers, & the entire staff at The Bynum School!!!! Thank you for everything you are doing for our little guys. We are grateful & blessed to having such wonderful people working with them everyday!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
2 of 153
In 2010 153 of God's children were brought home to be with their "Forever Families" through Reece's Rainbow adoption ministry. 153!!!!! That is up from 76 children in 2009. Amazing! Look Here to see how many children were saved ONE child at a time because of their families hearts being willing to step out in faith and know that God would provide everything they needed to bring that child home. It's not about having clarity, it's about having faith. We can't save the world, but we can save the world for ONE child. Is 2011 the year that you will step out in faith and make a difference in the life of a child? We are not all called to adopt, but we are ALL called to ACTION! Please consider making a donation, advocating for a specific child or becoming a prayer warrior for one of these children.
"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
After Court Sept 12th, 2010
TWO Worlds Changed FOREVER
Only God knew that these TWO would change ALL of our lives FOREVER too!
"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
We Are Jayson's NEW YEARS WARRIOR....

These sweet Little Chubby Cheeks STILL need a Mommy & Daddy!!!! Oh, how I love this sweet little guy! He would make an Amazing son. He is 18 months old and doing so well. His adoption process is easy with only one trip over for 7-14 days and you bring him home 1st trip!! Please consider making your first DONATION of 2011 to his Adoption Grant Fund. There is not a lack of families willing to bring Little ones like Jayson home, there is only a lack of FUNDS. Help us get him Home with his "Forever Family" before another Christmas rolls around... Right now Jason has $1104.45 in his Adoption Grant Fund. This was raised in 8 weeks from donations between $4.45-$50!!!! You can see how quickly even a $5 DONATION can make such a difference!!! We want to see his smiling face in a loving family ASAP!!!!! You can make a tax deductible donation by clicking on the Chip In button or by clicking on the New Year Warrior Button on the sidebar which will take you directly to the Reece's Rainbow site!! Thank you to those who have already DONATED & Happy 2011 To ALL of you.......
"Help Make A Difference For This ONE Child!"
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