Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Skip The Steak!!!!!
Wondering Where You can Help during the CHRISTmas Season???? Here's a GREAT suggestions. Make a donation towards Jayson's Adoption! This little guy needs a family and I can't think of anything better than helping this little one find his forever family. The #1 reason why families choose not to adopt is $$$MONEY$$$. Let's FILL his Adoption Grant Fund so that his "Forever Family" can bring him home!!! Right now Jayson has $36 in his Grant Fund. That would almost be enough for a couple to have a steak dinner. Skip the steak dinner & PLEASE help us grow his adoption fund by donating any amount. CLICK on the CHIP IN button to DONATE and give Jayson the Best CHRISTmas Present ever!!!!! How can you resist those chubby cheeks!!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Our Christmas Tree Angel
Boy, Born July 2009
Jayson is a sweet 15 month old boy in Latin America. He is healthy and growing well. He Needs a Mommy & Daddy and we are helping to raise money for his adoption. This is an EASY program, with easy travel and easy family requirements/restrictions. Photos and more medical/social history coming soon. Please inquire if you are interested!
Boy, Born July 2009
Jayson is a sweet 15 month old boy in Latin America. He is healthy and growing well. He Needs a Mommy & Daddy and we are helping to raise money for his adoption. This is an EASY program, with easy travel and easy family requirements/restrictions. Photos and more medical/social history coming soon. Please inquire if you are interested!
U.S. families only at this time
Single moms and married couples, ages 25-55
No family size restrictions
Both parents travel for one trip only for approx 14 days
Fast program, approx 9 months start to finish
Beautiful and comfortable place to visit
Child comes home on an IR-3 visa (meaning adoption must be finalized here in the US as well)
Total cost approx $25k
Single moms and married couples, ages 25-55
No family size restrictions
Both parents travel for one trip only for approx 14 days
Fast program, approx 9 months start to finish
Beautiful and comfortable place to visit
Child comes home on an IR-3 visa (meaning adoption must be finalized here in the US as well)
Total cost approx $25k
To DONATE click on the CHIP IN button on the side bar
And Help Jayson get his Christmas Wish!!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sydnie's 1st Gymnastics Meet!!!
Way To Go Sydnie!!!
We are PROUD of you!!!
Sydnie & Lacey
1st Place Vault
1st Place Bars
3rd Place Floor
3rd Place All-A-Round
Meet Schedule:
- Sat. Sept 18th - San Angelo
- Sat. Sept. 25th - Odessa
- Sat. Oct. 2nd - Odessa
- Sat. Oct. 6th - Lubbock
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
God's Heart
"These are the children that the Lord saw fit to bless me with" Gen 33:5
"The Girls"
Charlie & Levi are two sweet little ones that will soon join our family....Not because we thought it sounded cool, not because we thought it might be fun, BUT because God commands us to take care of the orphans and widows and We know it's part of his plan for US. God Never said being a Christ follower would be EASY. There is no Easy Button in this Precious Life that Christ has given me. My God does NOT want me to avoid things because they are hard or because people might think I am crazy or weird. He does not want me to avoid where He is leading my family. And...I do NOT EVER want to miss out on what Jesus is really about! I want my life to be a life that glorifies Him! Going against what's normal or typical or ordinary is sometimes HARD, but SO incredibly worth it! Yes... Adoption is Hard, Adoption is Amazing, And Adoption IS the Gospel of Christ. And for us there is no alternative because Adoption Is God's Heart.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Showing The LOVE of Jesus...
THIS is what it's ALL about. Not the Big house, the fancy car, the newest "whatever." It's about making a difference in the lives of God's children and caring for the widows. If only we could sacrifice even half of what this mighty young woman of God has. All for Jesus...
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James1:27
***Pause My music at the bottom of this page***
To follow Katie's Blog in Uganda go to:
To support her ministry:
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Texas Plains
This is my Granny singing Gene Autry's "Texas Plains." Still one of the best voices ever!!! One of my best childhood memories... Singing with Granny in her living room with the family, and sitting next to her in church on sunday mornings listening to her magical voice. I love you Granny!!!
**Pause my music at the bottom of this page so you can hear her sing**
**Pause my music at the bottom of this page so you can hear her sing**
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy 4th Anniversary Reece's Rainbow
We could never THANK YOU enough for what you have done & continue to do for so many children. One child at a time...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Our Other HOME.....
Please Continue to pray for the people of Middle Tennesse. Because of the oil spill and other national news this got very little coverage. Many of the people have a long road ahead of them and need to be covered with prayer. To all of our friends, We love you and will continue to pray for strength and peace...We Love you guys!!!
PAUSE MY Music at the Bottom of the page....
PAUSE MY Music at the Bottom of the page....
Sunday, May 2, 2010
***Baseball Star***
It's really getting fun to watch these little guys start playing ball. JoJo was playing shortstop and got the player OUT at 2nd & then quickly threw it to 1st and got that player OUT too. Double play...SWEET!! He looked like such a professional!!! Although, I think he was shocked that he did it... He gets a hit everytime up to bat & loves every minute of it!!!

Getting Ready To RUN home & slide AGAIN!!

Made it to 1st base...

Getting Ready To RUN home & slide AGAIN!!

Made it to 1st base...
Waiting for a Pop fly...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
It's Official & Legal...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Misc. Pics
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Baseball, Track & Soccer...
Family & Friends...
Baseball, Track & Soccer are in full swing!! Let me know if you would like a schedule to attend them. Several weekends ALL 3 events are happening so you could see them all. This Friday Lacey is in Big Springs at a track meet & the last 3 meets are all in Midland. Baylie's soccer is every saturday & JoJo's Baseball games are most Fridays & a few Tuesday nights. We would love to see you there!!!! HAPPY SPRING!!!!!!!
Baseball, Track & Soccer are in full swing!! Let me know if you would like a schedule to attend them. Several weekends ALL 3 events are happening so you could see them all. This Friday Lacey is in Big Springs at a track meet & the last 3 meets are all in Midland. Baylie's soccer is every saturday & JoJo's Baseball games are most Fridays & a few Tuesday nights. We would love to see you there!!!! HAPPY SPRING!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
*** The following is a personal update from Sid's dad Johnnie who has been battling cancer & all that goes along with it for 7 months. Grab your tissue & prepared to be BLESSED!!! ***
Good Morning Everyone,
God has brought us wonderful news! My PET scan results from wednesday came back and showed that I am CANCER-FREE! I give God all the glory for this miracle that He has worked in my life. Beginning with the very first day when Dr.Viney came out of surgery and told my family that I would be very fortunate to survive the surgery. God began working his miracles from that first day........I was awake less than 2 hours after the surgery and Dr.V. told us that he was prepared for me to be unconscious for 2 or 3 days. The fourth day the doctors were in for another suprise when my drastically altered digestive tract sprang back to life. They took me out of intensive care on the fourth day and the next big hurdle loomed.....Molly's wedding. I told Molly I would be able to make the wedding, Don't think she or Jerita believed me but I was going to give it my best shot. The wedding took place 17 days after my surgery and(special thanks to Dr.Viney) I did in fact make the wedding. I walked her down the aisle at Golf Course Road. One of the great memories of our lives. Don't think there was a dry eye in the crowd. It has now been a few days over 7 months since I entered the hospital for the surgery and I have had 7 rounds of chemo, 42 blood transfusions(last 4 weeks) and God has blessed me with the opportunity to be healed from this dreaded disease. God's never ending love has been with me from the have my wonderful doctors.....and last but not least....many,many prayer warriors have kept my spirits up and I have absorbed the many bumps in the road along the way that were INDEED blessings.....not just bad days along the way. The chemo has done its work.... at a price to me but the price could never have been too high to make it all worth it! Tougher our circumstances become in the life..... the tighter and tighter we should cling to our God. He has promised to never give us more burden than we can bear..... and though at times I began to wonder.... my faith in him and the countless prayers of you all have always kept me on the path that ahs brought me to this day. God is Great! The eradication chemo is still working in my body as it is still destroying my blood, platelets and magnesium. I continue to recieve these products every few days. However, the past 7 days now I have had a slow but steady increase in my energy that I really needed. Jerita and I are now going out in the the car....and driving around parts of Dallas that have grown from our days here in the early 70's. Up until then I only had energy to move around the apartment from my bed to the couch and back and forth. This went on from the time we came to the apartment. We knew it would end, it always has. The last round of chemo(6 days of chemo 10 times the strength of any chemo I had taken before) was intended to kill everything even resembling cancer along with all my white blood cells, platelets, whole blood, magnesium and a few other trace elements that our body needs. This sent my immune system back and running on its own. We belive the chemo is near its end with my energy level gaining ground over the past week. We are now in the 7th week post stem cell transplant and few of Dr.Berryman's patients have endured the effects for even this long. No matter....What it is..... and it is all of Gods precious plan. We would like to believe that Dr.B might let us come home this week and we are praying that will be the case but we will find out Tuesday at our appointment. We are so ready to come home. When I get home I will be somewhat isolated won't be able to have but a couple of vistors at a time and no contact. Not sure how long this will go on but whatever it is will be fine. Just to look some of you in the eye again will do my heart immeasurable good. I have recieved many stories from people who have been blessed by seeing God work in my life and for this I give all thanks to God for allowing me to be a small instrument in his ministry. All that has happened to me in the past 7 months has been a blessing to us. Instead of being angry and blaming whatever we want for bringing the cancer my way I give thanks to God for using me and continuing to use me to help build faith in others who have found themselves in similar situations. With God all things are possible.
Love and Blessings to each of you......
Johnnie and Jerita
Good Morning Everyone,
God has brought us wonderful news! My PET scan results from wednesday came back and showed that I am CANCER-FREE! I give God all the glory for this miracle that He has worked in my life. Beginning with the very first day when Dr.Viney came out of surgery and told my family that I would be very fortunate to survive the surgery. God began working his miracles from that first day........I was awake less than 2 hours after the surgery and Dr.V. told us that he was prepared for me to be unconscious for 2 or 3 days. The fourth day the doctors were in for another suprise when my drastically altered digestive tract sprang back to life. They took me out of intensive care on the fourth day and the next big hurdle loomed.....Molly's wedding. I told Molly I would be able to make the wedding, Don't think she or Jerita believed me but I was going to give it my best shot. The wedding took place 17 days after my surgery and(special thanks to Dr.Viney) I did in fact make the wedding. I walked her down the aisle at Golf Course Road. One of the great memories of our lives. Don't think there was a dry eye in the crowd. It has now been a few days over 7 months since I entered the hospital for the surgery and I have had 7 rounds of chemo, 42 blood transfusions(last 4 weeks) and God has blessed me with the opportunity to be healed from this dreaded disease. God's never ending love has been with me from the have my wonderful doctors.....and last but not least....many,many prayer warriors have kept my spirits up and I have absorbed the many bumps in the road along the way that were INDEED blessings.....not just bad days along the way. The chemo has done its work.... at a price to me but the price could never have been too high to make it all worth it! Tougher our circumstances become in the life..... the tighter and tighter we should cling to our God. He has promised to never give us more burden than we can bear..... and though at times I began to wonder.... my faith in him and the countless prayers of you all have always kept me on the path that ahs brought me to this day. God is Great! The eradication chemo is still working in my body as it is still destroying my blood, platelets and magnesium. I continue to recieve these products every few days. However, the past 7 days now I have had a slow but steady increase in my energy that I really needed. Jerita and I are now going out in the the car....and driving around parts of Dallas that have grown from our days here in the early 70's. Up until then I only had energy to move around the apartment from my bed to the couch and back and forth. This went on from the time we came to the apartment. We knew it would end, it always has. The last round of chemo(6 days of chemo 10 times the strength of any chemo I had taken before) was intended to kill everything even resembling cancer along with all my white blood cells, platelets, whole blood, magnesium and a few other trace elements that our body needs. This sent my immune system back and running on its own. We belive the chemo is near its end with my energy level gaining ground over the past week. We are now in the 7th week post stem cell transplant and few of Dr.Berryman's patients have endured the effects for even this long. No matter....What it is..... and it is all of Gods precious plan. We would like to believe that Dr.B might let us come home this week and we are praying that will be the case but we will find out Tuesday at our appointment. We are so ready to come home. When I get home I will be somewhat isolated won't be able to have but a couple of vistors at a time and no contact. Not sure how long this will go on but whatever it is will be fine. Just to look some of you in the eye again will do my heart immeasurable good. I have recieved many stories from people who have been blessed by seeing God work in my life and for this I give all thanks to God for allowing me to be a small instrument in his ministry. All that has happened to me in the past 7 months has been a blessing to us. Instead of being angry and blaming whatever we want for bringing the cancer my way I give thanks to God for using me and continuing to use me to help build faith in others who have found themselves in similar situations. With God all things are possible.
Love and Blessings to each of you......
Johnnie and Jerita
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lacey + 15th Birthday = Driver's Ed
Ummmm.....Okay! I totally can't believe that My child is old enough to start driving!!! Really Crazy!! 15 years just flew by so incredibly FAST! So we just signed up to do the Parent taught driver's ed. Hmmm.... Should be interesting. I'll let you know how it goes....LOL

***This is an Amazing Young Lady***
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Kids....
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