Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunshine, swimming, salamanders, turtles, rattlesnakes, fourwheeler's & barbed wire!!!
Another amazing Memorial Day with the Family. The entire weekend was just FUN!!! So nice to just hang out and spend time together as a family. Of course with the Harper family there is ALWAYS a little drama. You know never a dull moment. Saturday the kids helped unload an entire truck of feed for the cows. Not only does it make you very itchy, but now there is feed all over my van where children decided to unload there boots & britches of cow feed. Ha! We did however find a very cool salamander in the feed. Tate said, "Eww..it feels like a wet balloon". I agreed. While torturing the salamander, I mean playing with the salamander Landri (my niece) had a close encounter with a diamondback rattlesnake!!! I of course thought she was crying wolf until I looked at her face and saw 5 more children running away from a huge pile of wood. Sid & Kenny with their manliness of course had to catch & kill the 5 foot long snake. ( you can checkout those videos on FB) I will not put them here. Then there is the sweet little turtle named Ashley, that is now lost in the backyard, but is sure to show up again soon (probably in a dogs mouth!) Sunday...we did make it to church & then Jonathan decided we were gonna play the Dr. Seuss trivia game. If you have not played that game, let me just warn you that it takes approximately 2.5 hours to play it. (and that was with me picking the easy questions) LOL Monday...we slept in late. Wahoo! I think it was 8:30. Anyway, then off to the ranch to feed the horses and cows & then to the pond to swim & ride four wheelers. Let's just say the rest of the afternoon was full of lots of fun, a snake under the table close to a 2yr old, and Sydnie & Emmy crashing into a barbed wire fence!!! Emmy survived with only a tiny scratch & Sydnie with only a dozen scratches on her arm & hand & a Tetanus shot in her arm. Good Times....Ahhh...the life of a Mom of "7".
Monday, May 18, 2009
Dance Recitals, Soccer, Gymnastics Exhibition, Texas Day, Tate's Graduation....
All I can say is Aaaaahhhh!!!! We have officially completed all of the above for this school year!! Wahoo!! Now only 2 days of Field Day, 2 days of Awards ceremonies & the GLORIOUS Last Day of School!!! Happy Dance...Happy Dance...Happy Dance... Sad really, isn't it? I think I am more excited than the kids. This will be the first summer in 3 years that I have not been in school all day & studying all night! Yes, I have to work, but I will still have time to spend with my kiddos. Can't wait...Summer Here We Come!!!!! I have officially fried myself front & back (as I do every year the first time I see the sun), but this time I had this crazy idea that 30-40 min on each side laying on a float would be ok & then I would apply sunscreen. Note to self... that does not work when you are as white as the Pillsbury dough boy & it is 106 degrees outside!!! Not the brightest thing I've ever done. lol I have recovered however & after peeling off a couple of layers, I am back to my original white self. Next time a little SPF. And as Donna Boone says, " Brown fat is better than white fat". The kids are all amazing & we are truly blessed in so many ways. Next year...Lacey goes to High School, Sydnie, Baylie, Jonathan & Tate all go to the new fine arts magnet school, and Emmy & Kenlie will be at the Midland College preschool. I can't believe we will actually have all 7 kids at only 3 schools!!!
On a sadder note...Our camera was in a small accident. Emmy's head is ok, but the camera is now deceased. Bummer... Hopefully We can save for a new one & I can post new pictures soon.
On a sadder note...Our camera was in a small accident. Emmy's head is ok, but the camera is now deceased. Bummer... Hopefully We can save for a new one & I can post new pictures soon.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pavel Update.....

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