OK..... for those of you have not heard, I finally made some decisions on work.
Wahoo!!!! So I just finished an entire week of hospital orientation which went really well. However, it was quite boring & I am thrilled it is over.
lol Sooooo...next week I start orientation in the
NICU unit at night. I think I will love it but I have
soooo much to learn. You can not walk into a
NICU and see those tiny little gifts from God & not walk out a different person. How could anyone think there is not a GOD! I am also continuing to fill in at the eye surgery center where my patients are sweet little elderly men & women whom I also love very much!! And then in addition to that the college has hired me to tutor students & to help as a clinical instructor. How weird is that to go from student to instructor, and even weirder (is that a word) for them to call me Mrs. Harper!! Ha! Anyway, I guess if you can't make your mind up on one thing just do it all!! :) I feel amazed and blessed that everywhere God has placed me he has used me so much even in just the smallest areas. God has filled me with a new fresh desire to draw nearer to him & to depend on him for everything. To seek him more in prayer & to dig into his Word. I could not ask for more. An amazing husband, beautiful, healthy children, and a heart that longs to know Him more. May God Bless you & pull you closer to him.... Love ALL of you.... WH:)